I have a problem who should I contact?

Matt is happy to assist his constituents with issues they may face. Many people contact their MP when they feel they have exhausted all other options.

If you feel that your problem concerns the council (e.g. schools, dustbins, housing, road repairs, public realm or public toilets) rather than central government, then you may wish to contact your local councillor in the first place as they will be best placed to help you.

You can find out who your councillor is by visiting www.writetothem.com and entering your postcode. Matt is very willing to assist with these matters also.

To ensure there are no delays, if you are concerned about a possible criminal activity please contact the police on either 999 for emergencies or 101 for non-emergencies. Or if you are worried about a child or vulnerable adult please contact Social Services directly on 01522 782155.

You can, of course, contact Matt about issues relating to the above services, if you are still not happy with the service you have received, or if you would like to notify him of the issue or response you have been given.

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Matt and representatives on his behalf may contact you about matters relating to his work as MP for Boston and Skegness